
pre EMM greg Hot

Written by greg     May 09, 2014    
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281 Route de Thônes, 74210 Faverges, France, Rhone-Alpes

Rivaz, Switzerland, Vaud

Trip Total

routes transits total
time 2h:21m 1h:19m 3h:41m
distance 117.7km
  • 18.6km (11.5mi)
  • 0h:23m
  • *mountains*

Col du Marais- D12 3.6/5


  • 281 Route de Thônes, 74210 Faverges, France
  • France
  • Rhone-Alpes
  • Thônes, France
  • France
  • Rhone-Alpes
Latitude 45.75665 45.8820943
Longitude 6.2969355 6.3245822


Riding north, the south ramp is quite narrow with a few hairpins. opens up to a ride across of an open section of the mountain with superb views. we rate this route medium difficulty.


9.0 km (5.6) mi
11 minutes
  • 37.6km (23.4mi)
  • 0h:48m
  • *mountains*

Col de la Colombiere D4/D119 4.0/5


  • D4, 74450 Saint-Jean-de-Sixt, France
  • France
  • Rhone-Alpes
  • Rue de la Garette, 74300 Cluses, France
  • France
  • Rhone-Alpes
Latitude 45.92283 46.05623
Longitude 6.4103700000001 6.57124


Col de la Colombière (el. 1613 m.) is in the department of Haute-Savoie in France and is part of The Route des Grandes Alpes. It connects Cluses in the Arve valley with Le Grand-Bornand in the Borne valley. The road then leads further to Annecy or over Col des Aravis to the Arly valley and is situated between the Massif des Bornes to the north-west and the Chaîne des Aravis to the south-east.

This route can be ridden either direction, but for this review we are riding north east towards Cluses. Starting at Saint- Jean-de-Sixt you wind your way up to the Col. The road had a number of strait and sweeping corners punctuated by several series of hairpin bends. You are motoring though some of the most beautiful scenery in the alps here- and the summit is certainly worthy of a stop and offers great views in both directions.

The north side of the col is similar. When you arrive at Le Reposoir you have a choice; you can either proceed down the D4 or lake a right ad head down the D119. The D4 is much easier, but carries most of the traffic. The D119 is more narrow, but is stunningly beautiful as you thread your way down a sheer cliff face into Cluses.

There are some great sections of road on this route and it really should not be missed if you are riding in this area.

We rate this a medium difficulty route.


2.7 km (1.7) mi
6 minutes
  • 54.4km (33.8mi)
  • 0h:59m
  • *mountains*

Route des Grandes Alpes North D902 4.1/5


  • Avenue de Châtillon, 74300 Cluses, France
  • France
  • Rhone-Alpes
  • 27 Avenue de la Dranse, 74200 Thonon-les-Bains, France
  • France
  • Rhone-Alpes
Latitude 46.06957 46.36766
Longitude 6.58528 6.5029999999999


This route makes up most northern part of the Route des Grandes Alpes (Great Alpine Road), a 684km long senic road trip through the French Alps. This alpine road trip takes you from the Mediterranean to lake Geneva to and includes some of the highest and most beautiful mountain passes in Europe.

This route can be ridden in either direction, for this review we are riding north stating in Cluses. You leave Cluses riding up a winding the side of the ramp of the first little pass. This is a fairly major road at this stage so it does carry a fair bit of traffic, but it is wide enough and has enough strait to provide good passing opportunities. If you happen to be lucky and catch it without traffic, this part of the journey is sublime.

After riding done the north side of the fist pass, you pass through Taninges, a small village sitting at the foot of the second and main ramp. Thankfully much of the traffic thins before Taninges and the road just gets better and better as you ride up the valley.

You run right though the ski area of Les Gets, then by the side of Morzine, and if you are motivated you can even take a detour up to Avoriaz. These areas are part of the Les Portes du Soleil, the largest linked ski area in the world.

From Morzine you are on a downward trajectory towards Lake Geneva. The further down the canyon you go, the better the ride gets. This is Gorges du Pont-du-Diable (Devil’s bridge canyon), a very deep canyon has been cut out by the Drasne River and provides some spectacular views.

I guarantee if you get a clean run on this road, you will want to turn around and ride it again. Yes, it is that good! Some of the best flowing corners I have ever ridden which scenery to die for, figuratively speaking of course.

We rate this a easy route.


1.4 km (0.8) mi
1 minutes
  • 7.1km (4.4mi)
  • 0h:09m
  • *rural*

D21- Road around Evian Les Bains 3.4/5


  • Avenue de la Dranse, 74200 Thonon-les-Bains, France
  • France
  • Rhone-Alpes
  • 2 Chemin de Gotay, 74500 Larringes, France
  • France
  • Rhone-Alpes
Latitude 46.3641977 46.367858
Longitude 6.5172436 6.57296


If you’re coming down the Route du Grand Alps and then going East, this is your ticket to avoid the stop and g traffic in Evian Les Bains. The ride up the hill is well worth a ride. I tis a bit narrow, but beats the stuffing out of going through Evian.


60.4 km (37.5) mi
61 minutes

Custom waypoint


  • Rivaz, Switzerland
  • Switzerland
  • Vaud
  • Rivaz, Switzerland
  • Switzerland
  • Vaud
Latitude 46.4765751 46.4765751
Longitude 6.77861680000001 6.77861680000001


Albertville to Rivaz Only one person per driving driving school chicago will be accommodated.

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