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Rides & Events


Here are a few photos from when we were in the Picos Europa in 2013 on the way back from the 2013 EMM in Portugal.




 Expect to see this information by April 2017


Following are the proposed routes for the 2017 EMM. These road books are subject to modification depending on weather, events on the day and most importantly how long and hard the majority want to ride. We will set a mid-day meeting point for both rides and offer a short route option for those who do not want to do the whole ride on the day and would rather get back promptly for beer o’clock.

This year's rides will be epic and will go up after some further recon in the area. Our resident pilot has again offered to do GPS routes again for this year- I think we all are going to own him a beer, maybe two, that is if he arrives to collect this time.

Roadbooks and GPs files should go up no later than June 1st.

Proposed roadbook  for day 1- can be easily truncated for those who do not want to do the full roadbook



Proposed roadbook  for day 2- can be easily truncated for those who do not want to do the full roadbook


Click on maps above to open in Google maps


The festivities start at the bar late afternoon on Sunday. Some people come early, though most of the English contingent is fashionably late..

Sometimes, people show up a day or two early to do some local riding. If you can do this it get you into the right spirit for the event.

On ride days we try to start before 8.30 and plan to be back to base before beer o clock. Call it 17.00, but it begins earlier for some.

On Wednesday, groups depart in different directions- some go home, some do post EEMs.